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Why WordPress is the Preferred CMS for Newsrooms

It’s difficult to overstate the importance of the CMS to journalists, bloggers and other vocations that publish every day for a living. The CMS is the way writers edit, lay out and ultimately push out their work to the open web. 

Ask a writer about the CMSs they’ve seen, and it won’t take long for the war stories of clunky interfaces, temperamental systems, and taking hours to get something out.  

There’s really no excuse for a sub-par CMS, particularly for newsrooms, where efficiency and a good user experience are crucial for timely and accurate publication. 

We’re biased, but we believe WordPress is the best and most cost-efficient way to create an efficient and customizable CMS for newsrooms. That’s why large-scale publishing operations like Vox Media have turned to it for the next iteration of their CMS. 

So what is it about WordPress that makes it the preferred CMS for newsrooms?

User-Friendly Interface

The WordPress dashboard is designed with simplicity in mind, offering an easy-to-navigate interface that reduces the learning curve for new users. Its clear layout and organized menu help writers and editors find the tools they need quickly. This means even those who aren’t tech-savvy can start creating and managing content with minimal training.

An intuitive interface minimizes time spent on administrative tasks, allowing writers and editors to focus more on content creation and editing. This boosts overall productivity and ensures that deadlines are met more efficiently. For example, finding and editing a draft or scheduling a post is straightforward, which means less time fumbling through menus and more time producing quality content.

The Power of Gutenberg

WordPress’s block-based editor, Gutenberg, launched in 2018 and replaced the classic editor with a more flexible and visual approach to building posts and pages. This shift has empowered content creators with more control over the layout and structure of their articles.

Gutenberg’s WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) interface allows users to see exactly how their content will look on the front end while creating it. This makes it easier to design visually appealing articles without needing coding skills. Writers can drag and drop elements, customize layouts, and see their changes in real-time, which enhances the creative process.

Gutenberg offers a wide range of blocks that can be used to enhance storytelling, including image galleries for photo-heavy stories, embeds for integrating social media content, and tables for presenting data. These blocks make it simple to create dynamic and engaging content. For instance, a journalist covering an event can quickly embed tweets and videos to provide a richer narrative.

Try Gutenburg for yourself on WordPress.org

Customizable Back-End Experience

Every newsroom has unique processes and requirements. A customized backend ensures that the CMS aligns with these specific workflows, improving efficiency and reducing the chance of errors. This means that the system can be tailored to fit the way the newsroom operates, rather than forcing the newsroom to adapt to the system.

Administrators can easily modify the backend to hide irrelevant menu items and features, creating a cleaner and more focused interface for writers and editors. This customization can help reduce distractions and streamline the user experience, making it easier for staff to find the tools they need.

Custom fields and taxonomies can be added to manage additional information such as story status (draft, in review, published), deadlines, and internal notes, helping editors keep track of each piece of content’s progress. This level of customization ensures that everyone is on the same page, which is vital for maintaining editorial standards and meeting publication deadlines.

Seamless Collaboration

WordPress supports multiple user roles with varying levels of access and permissions, enabling effective collaboration while maintaining content security. This means that roles can be assigned to users based on their responsibilities, ensuring that everyone has the access they need without compromising the integrity of the site.

With WordPress, multiple users can work on the same article simultaneously. User roles and permissions prevent conflicts by ensuring that only authorized individuals can make certain changes. For example, a writer can draft an article while an editor reviews and suggests revisions, all within the same system.

Plugins like Co-Authors Plus allow multiple bylines on a single post, making it easy to credit all contributors. Other collaboration tools include editorial calendars and task management plugins. These plugins help manage workflows and ensure that everyone involved in the content creation process is on the same page.

Robust Revision History

In a dynamic newsroom environment, tracking changes is essential for maintaining content accuracy and accountability. Revision history provides a record of all changes made to an article, allowing editors to see who made what changes and when.

WordPress automatically saves revisions of posts and pages. Editors can review these revisions, compare different versions, and restore previous versions if necessary. This feature ensures that nothing is lost and that the most accurate and up-to-date information is always published.

This feature is particularly useful when multiple editors are working on the same article, allowing them to revert to an earlier version if recent changes are not satisfactory. It provides a safety net that ensures content can always be rolled back to a previous state if needed, maintaining the integrity of the publication.

SEO and Social Media Integration

Search engine optimization (SEO) is crucial for driving traffic to news articles. Well-optimized content ranks higher in search engine results, increasing visibility and readership. This means more eyes on the content and a broader audience for the newsroom.

WordPress offers built-in SEO features and supports powerful plugins like Yoast SEO, which provide tools and suggestions for optimizing articles, including keyword usage, meta descriptions, and readability analysis. These tools make it easier for writers to create content that is both reader-friendly and search-engine-friendly.

WordPress integrates seamlessly with social media platforms, allowing automatic sharing of new articles on social channels. Plugins can also enable social sharing buttons on articles, encouraging readers to share content. This integration helps newsrooms reach a wider audience and engage with readers on multiple platforms.


In summary, WordPress stands out as the preferred CMS for newsrooms due to its user-friendly interface, powerful Gutenberg editor, customizable backend, seamless collaboration features, robust revision history, and strong SEO and social media integration capabilities.

These advantages make WordPress an ideal CMS for newsrooms, providing the tools necessary for efficient and effective content management in a fast-paced environment. Its flexibility and scalability ensure that it can meet the needs of news organizations of all sizes.

News organizations should explore WordPress as a powerful tool to enhance their editorial workflows and improve content management, ultimately supporting their goal of delivering timely and accurate news to their audiences. Whether you’re a small local newsroom or a major international publication, WordPress offers the features and flexibility to support your mission.

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You have questions?
We have answers.

Why are big brands using WordPress?

Leading enterprise brands choose WordPress for its versatility, scalability, and robust ecosystem of plugins. It offers flexibility to create performant, feature-rich websites while providing a user-friendly interface for content management, where businesses can be confident that they have total ownership of their code. Additionally, WordPress has cultivated a vast service provider layer, helping enterprises avoid vendor lock-in through a diverse range of support options.

How is WordPress Free?

WordPress is free to use because it is an open-source platform. This means its source code is freely available for anyone to use, modify, and distribute. Updates are managed by a community of experienced digital professionals who are driven by their belief in open source.

Many of the agencies who work with WordPress are also signatories of Five for the Future, an initiative where organizations contribute five percent of their resources to WordPress development to ensure its long-term sustainability.

How scalable is WordPress?

WordPress is highly scalable and capable of handling websites of all sizes, it can easily be scaled vertically and horizontally leveraging either cloud or bare metal infrastructure. WordPress’s adaptable architecture allows developers to easily accommodate increasing traffic and expanding content.

While WordPress is scaleable out of the box, multiple cloud providers and web hosts offer enhanced scalability through leveraging WordPress’s powerful abstraction layers that allow the use of endless possibilities of distributed database servers, distributed memory object caching servers, and all prominent web servers.

Trusted by the World’s Biggest Brands

Distinguished as the CMS of choice by the world’s biggest brands, WordPress stands as a testament to its reliability, versatility, and proven ability to elevate digital experiences.

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